Thursday, 17 January 2019

Best Pandit for Kaal Sarp Dosh in Ujjain

So many of us are ask to our friends and family members who visited earlier Ujjain about Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain, but unfortunate they all not know about this, because only a few of them participated in this Puja at Ujjain.

But the question is very important, how would you find best pandit, as of now every pandit having their website over the internet, most of them are in their native language means in hindi that we all can understand, so how do you get the wisdom that this Pandit Ji is best for the Puja and other activities in Ujjain.

So, here I am going to share some personal experience of Ujjain's pandit with their websites, I seen more than 10 websites of Ujjain's Pandit who can perform the Kaal Sarp dosh Puja in Ujjain and even Mangal Puja in Ujjain, as per their websites.

When I visited their website I collected some information [1] education [2] age [3] family background [4] total experience of puja [5] education from which institute etc, on the basis of these you can understand who is best, and above the all I seen the aura of the face that play a very important role in Puja

This is my perception, you can create your own list of judgement the Pandit ji for Puja

Know a list of various pujan ; Kaal sarp Puja Ujjain, kaal sarp dosh puja in ujjain, kaal sarp dosh puja ujjain, kaal sarp puja in ujjain

Thursday, 13 December 2018

कालसर्प दोष पूजा उज्जैन मध्य प्रदेश

बहुत बार हम सब सोचते है की ईश्वर है या नहीं, वास्तव में ये हम नहीं सोचते है, ये हमे सोचने पर विवश करता है हमारे आसपास का वातावरण, जब हम अपने ह्रदय की जगह दिमाग की ज्यादा सुनने लगते है, खासतौर पर उन रिश्तो में जो हमारे आधार होते है, जैसे मनुष्य और ईश्वर का रिश्ता, यह रिश्ता जन्म जन्मो से है और जन्म जन्मो तक रहेगा, शरीर और इसके रिश्ते बदलते रहते है लेकिन आत्मा और परमात्मा का रिश्ता अटूट है और सर्वविदित है।

आईये आपके सन्देश को दूर करने के लिए हम आपको उज्जैन लेकर चलते है, जो महाकाल की नगरी है, जहाँ पर आपको मंदिर में प्रवेश करते ही आपको प्रत्यक्ष भगवान शिव अर्थात महाकाल की महिमा का दर्शन होने लगेगा, श्री रामचरित मानस में भी तुलसी दास जी ने भगवान शिव की महिमा का बखान करते हुए कहा है की "भाविउ मेट सकत त्रिपुरी" और "मेटत कठिन कुअंक भाल के", इस प्रकार से हम कह सकते है की भगवान शिव की महिमा अनंत है।

अब बात करते है काल सर्प दोष की, ये क्या है, ये कुछ नहीं है और बहुत कुछ है, अर्थात भगवान शिव की शरण में है तो ये कुछ नहीं है और अगर भगवान शिव से दूर है तो मृत्यु के समान, अपयश और व्यर्थ की हानि पहुंचाने वाला ग्रहो का संयोग और कुंडली का दोष है।

वास्तव में भगवान शिव की शरण में जाते ही आपकी समस्त समस्याएं ऐसे समाप्त हो जाएगी जैसे मकड़ी ने अपना जाला बापस अपने में समेत लिया हो, आप सोचते सोचते इतने मस्त हो जाओगे की वो समस्या थी क्या जिसने हमे इतना परेशान  कर दिया था और खोजने से भी आपको दूर दूर तक समस्या नजर नहीं आएगी, क्युकी श्री राम चरित मानस में कहा भी है "कह हनुमंत विपति प्रभु सोई। जब तव सुमिरन भजन न होई।।

तो उज्जैन की महिमा भगवान महाकाल की कृपा से अतिविशिष्ट है तो बिना किसी लंका दर्शन करिये और मस्त रहिएगा, है उज्जैन में प्रसिद्द पंडित जी है जिनका नाम रमाकांत चौबे है, आप चाहे तो पूजन सम्बन्धी विधि विधान के लिए संपर्क कर सकते है।

Famous Pandit in Ujjain kaal sarp puja in ujjain Kaal sarp dosh puja ujjain Kaal sarp dosh puja in ujjain Kaal sarp Puja Ujjain

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

How to See Ujjain's Mahakaleshwar Temple Bhasm Aarti

उज्जैन जो की महाकाल की नगरी है, और छिप्रा नदी के तट पर बसा हुआ है, यही वो नगरी है जहा पर विक्रमादित्य ने राज्य किया जो की अपनी न्याय पद्द्ति के लिए न केवल पृथ्वी पर अपितु देवलोक में भी सुविख्यात थे, विक्रम वेताल की कहानी तो आप सभी ने सुनी होगी।

आज का विषय है महाकाल भगवान की प्रातःकाल की भष्म आरती में कैसे सम्मिलित हुआ जाय और कैसे देखा जाय, उज्जैन के महाकाल मंदिर के कुछ नियम है जो की भक्तो की सुविधा के लिए बने है, उनमे  है भष्म आरती का समय और परिधान।

मूलतः भष्म आरती सुबह के ४ बजे के बाद और ६ बजे के पहले सम्पन्न हो जाती है, और नियमानुसार इस आरती में अंतिम जले मृत शरीर की राख से आरती की जाती है, इस आरती की पराकाष्टा को देखते हुए इसमें सम्भवता महिलाओ एवं बच्चो को सम्मिलिति नहीं किया जाता है।

अब बात करते है इस आरती में कैसे सम्मिलित हो सकते है, इस आरती में सम्मिलिति होने के लिए सबसे पहले आप स्नान करके श्वेत वस्त्र धारण करे और याद रहे किसी भी प्रकार का सिला हुआ वस्त्र पहना कर आना वर्जित है क्युकी यह आरती आपको यह स्मरण कराने के लिए है की शरीर भष्मीभूत हो चूका है और म्रतवषण में किसी भी प्रकार की सिलाई या जेब नहीं है जिसमे आप सांसारिक सम्पदा भरकर जा सके।

इस प्रकार हमने आपको बताया की कैसे सम्मिलित हो और क्या पहने, आगे भगवान महाकाल आपके ऊपर कृपा करे और आपका कल्याण करे।

पंडित रमाकांत जी से संपर्क करे निम्न पुजाओ के लिए : कालसर्प पूजा उज्जैन, कालसर्प दोष निवारण पूजा उज्जैन, सर्प दोष पूजा उज्जैनमंगलनाथ पूजा उज्जैन

Friday, 5 October 2018

What is kaal sarp dosh and how to overcome from it

In Vedic astrology of India, the Kaal Sarpa yoga or some time we can say Kaal Sarpa dosha is supposed to be formed when all the planets in your horoscope are in the perimeter of Rahu and Ketu. In the horoscope, Rahu and Ketu are always placed opposite to each other. If even one planet is outside its perimeter, there is no Kaal Sarpa yoga. (This article is written by a Famous Pandit in Ujjain and his name is Pt. Ramakant Chaube)

Consider the following two examples:

1. Positive dosha as all the planets are in the perimeter of Rahu and Ketu:


2. Negative dosha as one planet is outside the perimeter of Rahu and Ketu:

Rahu-Sun-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus- Ketu- Saturn

However, it is very important to correctly identify the Kaal Sarpa yoga in the horoscope before making any prediction. It is a surprise that the ancient classics of astrology have not even talked about this concept. Therefore, lots of misconceptions are going around the concept and it is being falsely propagated. Half of astrologers are using this propaganda to run their business and make money by fooling around people. People are also scared about it as they are not well-informed.

It is also very closely connected to the Manglik dosha in the horoscope. There are supposed to be 12 types of Kaal Sarp dosh, these 12 have been named after famous snakes in the Indian mythology: Anant, Kulik, Vasuki, Shankhapal, Padm, Mahapadma, Takshak, Karkat, Shankh Naad, Patak, Vishakata and Shesh Naag. (Contact to Pandit ji for Mangal Puja Ujjain)

However, Kaal Sarpa is not always bad or responsible for the miseries of our life. It will not give bad results until and unless Rahu or Ketu are well-connected with other functional malefic planets. The Kaal Sarpa analysis is always done according to the placements of other planets in the horoscope and their mutual relationship according to their strength and weaknesses.

According to Vedic astrology, the Kaal is time and Sarpa means snake, Kaal Sarpa dosh is all about moving like a snake with lots of ups and downs in your life. It helps to understand the possibilities of mishaps and obstructions in one's life. The Kaal Sarpa yoga indicates that the native has to suffer the consequences of his past Karma in his present life. It is Karmic representation and he has to struggle through the life to achieve his aim. According to Indian scriptures, a person affected with this dosha has come to this world to fulfill some specific work which may remove the evils of his horoscope and can give a better incarnation in the next life. (If you find this situation in your horoscope than do not to worry just give us call for Kaal Ssarp Puja Ujjain)

Finally, there is nothing to worry about as there is a long list of world famous people who had Kaal Sarpa yoga in their chart.

In Vedic astrology, the Kaal Sarpa yoga (or dosha) is meant to be fashioned whilst all of the planets are in the perimeter of Rahu and Ketu. inside the horoscope, Rahu and Ketu are constantly located contrary to each other. If even one planet is out of doors its perimeter, there's no Kaal Sarpa yoga.

consider the subsequent two examples:

1. effective dosha as all the planets are within the perimeter of Rahu and Ketu:


2. terrible dosha as one planet is outside the fringe of Rahu and Ketu:

Rahu-solar-Moon-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus- Ketu- Saturn

but, it's far very essential to correctly perceive the Kaal Sarpa yoga inside the horoscope earlier than making any prediction. it is a surprise that the historical classics of astrology have not even pointed out this concept. consequently, plenty of misconceptions are going across the concept and it is being falsely propagated. half of astrologers are the usage of this propaganda to run their business and make money by means of fooling around people. humans are also scared about it as they may be not nicely-knowledgeable. it is also very intently connected to the Manglik dosha in the horoscope. There are purported to be 12 forms of Kaal Sarp dosh, those 12 have been named after famous snakes within the Indian mythology: Anant, Kulik, Vasuki, Shankhapal, Padm, Mahapadma, Takshak, Karkat, Shankh Naad, Patak, Vishakata and Shesh Naag.

however, Kaal Sarpa isn't always usually terrible or responsible for the miseries of our existence. it'll no longer give horrific consequences until and unless Rahu or Ketu are properly-linked with other purposeful malefic planets. The Kaal Sarpa analysis is usually performed consistent with the placements of different planets within the horoscope and their mutual dating in keeping with their power and weaknesses. (Pt Ramakant Ji who is residential of Ujjain having a long term experience of Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain)

According to Indian Vedic Astrology, the Kaal is time and Sarpa means snake, Kaal Sarpa dosh is all approximately shifting like a snake with plenty of america-and downs to your life. It allows to apprehend the possibilities of mishaps and obstructions in one's lifestyles. The Kaal Sarpa yoga suggests that the native has to go through the results of his past Karma in his gift life. it's miles Karmic representation and he has to war via the lifestyles to attain his aim. in keeping with Indian scriptures, someone affected with this dosha has come to this world to fulfill a few specific paintings which can also remove the evils of his horoscope and can provide a higher incarnation in the next existence.

eventually, there is not anything to worry approximately as there's an extended listing of global famous folks who had Kaal Sarpa yoga in their chart. (Do not hesitate to contact us for the Kaal Sarp Puja in Ujjain)

Friday, 17 August 2018

A tour with Family by the Family

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Throughout the trip traveler can locate the birds making a song, verdant vistas echoing folklores, refreshing winds blowing, the foggy blue open sky appears to be assembly the earth at prospect, Rajasthan represents top beauty in the world and many others. [The best Romantic Rajasthan Desert Tour Package]

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Jaipur: this is one of the most famous and trendy pink city estates of Rajasthan which are really flat and create royalty which is known as "Rajput", jaipur is one of the best tourist destination in the Rajastha, as it is one the royal state of Rajasthan during Mughl era and British era also, the king of jaipur made so many historical monuments to visit, like Jantar Mantar, Hawa Mahal, jal Mahal, Jai vilas palace, and so many beautyful buldings. [Delhi Agra Jaipur 5 Nights 6 Days Tour Itinerary visit to know more]

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Tuesday, 7 August 2018

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Sunday, 23 July 2017

Being in India must see the South India

From east to west, from north to south, India has novel geography in each part. Be that as it may, the quietness talented by South India is inimitable. It's not quite recently the rich greenery or the since a long time ago extended shorelines that work as group puller, additionally the excellent sanctuaries. The heavenly holy places of South India are one among the most went by journey goals. Some of them have been portrayed beneath: [We hope you will like to know about South India Temple Tour Package]

Meenakshi Temple, Madurai
Arranged in the lovely city of Tamil Nadu, Meenakshi Temple is one of the extraordinary sanctums of India. Meenakshi is alluded to Maa Parvati, and maybe this is the main sanctuary of South India in which a Goddess is the primary god. There are different legends related with this sanctuary that baits the travelers from inaccessible spots. It is trusted that Meenakshi (Goddess Parvati) and Sundareswarar (God Shiva) got hitched in Madurai and this wedding was the special issue even occurred on the planet. [We have best Tirupati Balaji Tour Package for you]

Speaking further about the engineering of the place of worship, at that point unquestionably anybody would miss the mark regarding modifiers. There are around thousand columns in the Mandapam that appear to be remaining consecutively, regardless of you are seeing from whichever edge. It's an ideal case of sheer building perfection. Consequently, the hallowed place renders peace to the explorers as well as a treat to the eyes.[We hope you want to know more about our Pilgrimage Tour Packages In India]

Sri Venkateswara Swami Vaari Temple, Tirupati
The Sri Venkateshwara Swami Vaari Temple is settled in the seventh of the pinnacle of Tirupati slopes. Committed to Lord Vishnu, this altar is likewise recognized for disguising different incredible stories. It is trusted that in Kalyug just Lord Venkateshwara can render salvation from the cycle of life and passing. Travelers from various alcoves and corners of the world, visit this sanctuary, pay respect to the divinity and bring home their favors. Further, the Sri Venkateshwara sanctuary is not only one holy place, but rather is a gathering of sanctuaries with a few imaginatively cut entryways and Mandapam. South India journey is very inadequate without going to the sanctuary of Tirupati. [So many of us like Shirdi Tour Package with Trymbakeswar]

Ramanathaswamy Temple, Rameshwaram
The Ramnathswamy sanctuary and Rameshwaram Island have their names from Lord Ram. It is trusted that Lord Ram worshiped Lord Shiva here in the wake of coming back from Lanka, by and by called Sri Lanka. He worshiped the god there in order to get recovery from the wrongdoing of murdering Ravana. Accordingly, it is trusted this is one of the most established sanctuaries of India. Further, this primary holy place of Rameshwaram is considered as a part of the most holy twelve jyotirlings of India. There are around more than 20 theertham inside the sanctuary that draws in pioneers. [Check our Shirdi Tour Package From Delhi to know more about itinerary]

There are different altars that remain as the critical parts of South India sanctuary visits. It appears like that the southern piece of the nation is honored with the dwelling places God.

Why Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja Ujjain is essential to be performed?

 Kaal Sarp dosh is also known as'Vipareeta Kaalsarp Yog'. According to astrology when the planets (Graha) fall between "Rahu&qu...